Race Report - Scroll Down to Monday October 9, 2023
Tuesday October 10, 2023 T+2
Monday Zero Day.
Need to watch the caloric intake with the reduced training volume. Average activity calories per week for the twenty week training period was 7,058. One thousand per day. Today's Zwift thirty minute indoor bicycle ride was 224. Danger Will Robinson Danger! I'm thinking benchmark the one hour run per day.
Looking to create indoor bike and outdoor run training program. Also add stretching and strength. More recovery time on the bike and high intensity tempo run training. May 2024 Monona 20K and Run Mad Town Half on the radar
I'm thinking a sub 1:40 half to be a good goal. 7:37 miles.
2023 PR's
1M 7:03 Waunafest Run 7:03
5K 23:11 Waunafest Run 7:27
10K 47:22 Madison Mini 7:37
13.1 1:41:49 Madison Mini 7:46
26.2 3:45:58 Chicago Marathon 8:37
Day 56,838 October 8 Chicago Marathon
Week 179,783 August 14-20
Month 685,949 July
10,000+ Streak 50 days May 18 - July 6
Monday October 9, 2023 T+1 RACE REPORT!!!
The Chicago Marathon is one of six world 'major' marathons (Boston is another). 100 countries and all 50 states are represented. There were more than 48,500 participants and an estimated 1.7 million spectators.
'Kenyan Kelvin Kiptum set a world record for men of 2:00:35 on October 8, 2023, at the 2023 Chicago Marathon.'
Same race, one hour forty five minutes and 15512 runners behind...
10% of Marathoners achieve a BQ
19.5% of Chicago Marathoners achieved a BQ.
2024 Chicago 60-69 4:00
2024 Boston 60-64 3:50 (Cut Off 3:45:31)
2025 Boston 65-69 4:05 (2023 Chicago time is a 2025 Boston qualifier)
Wave Two Corral G
11045 of 25836 gender 43% top half
15513 of 48579 overall 32% top third
258 of 1142 M60-64 23% top quarter
Age graded 2:57 sub three / 68% local (regional 70%)
Race planned / actual
Watts 250-260 / 239
Heart Rate 150 - 160 bpm / 152
Cadence 190 spm / 192
Stride length 1.0 m / 0.99
Pace 8:30 per mile / 8:37
10K 0:53 / 0:51 minus two
20K 1:44 / 1:42 minus two
13M 1:53 / 1:48 minus five
30K 2:35 / 2:35 equal
40K 3:25 / 3:32 plus seven - hit the wall
42K 3:42 / 3:45 plus three - did not walk!!!
I would never suggest my life experiences to be any more difficult than any others. The fact is, most of my difficulties are first world and relatively minor. Personally, the car crash of 2018, shortly after a national championship qualifying Half Ironman, set in motion a mental challenge that I believe I resolved with this race. Years of painful knee osteoarthritis which made walking, hiking and sometimes sleeping difficult has moderated. Successful and early stage prostatectomy surgery is also in the past. The usual Lion King cycle of life continues.
This year's Chicago Marathon was from an entry submitted for the 2020 race. Post car crash, I hadn't intended on racing but received a qualifying time email and signed up. The 2020 race was cancelled. I deferred in 2021 and 2022. I hadn't really planned on doing the race this year either but with the planned 2024 move to Colorado this was my last chance to run a conveniently located major marathon.
Twenty weeks ago my training consisted of one mile walk, two mile runs, around the conservancy. My initial goal time was sub 4:00 which was less than what Garmin and Stryd predicted I could do. I may have overtrained and under recovered, I may not have done enough tempo work, my fuel plan execution could have been better. A 3:45 BQ is far greater than my expectations when I began this process.
Saturday 6:00AM departure to the Expo for packet pick up arrived around 9:30 AM. I'm glad we got there when we did, it was very crowded by the time we left 11AM. I did get my left calf K-Taped. Peace of mind. I always fear a left calf blow out similar to the one experienced before 2019 Boston. Mostly mental, I suspect. It turned out to not be an issue. I did wear a CEP Compression sock and two CEP calf sleeves on my left leg.. We walked along the lakefront and had a Polish at a lake side eatery with Soldier Field in the background. Took a drive through Winfield and Glen Ellyn before check in. Had spaghetti and meatballs at Barone's.
Stayed in Lombard. Uneventful night sleep. Up at 4:00 AM. Took the 5:19 AM train in to Chicago. Walked from the Ogilvie Transportation Center to Grant Park. The queue seemed more organized and expedient than years past. I got in the port-a-potty line. There were like 50 cans and fifty people in each line. It took thirty minutes to get to the front and by that time Wave 1 people were wanting to cut to the front of the line. Not great time management by those folks. I noticed how the process functioned well without direction.
I went to the bag drop, got down to race gear and throw away long sleeve, and made my way to the corral. As the race start gets closer people throw their leave behind jackets, pants, hats, gloves etc. on to the fence and they are collected later as donations. It was 45-50 degrees, I was feeling cool, so I snagged a North Face coat off the fence. It may have been a women fit coat but it was very warm and just what I needed. There were plenty of people using bath robes as their throw away which I though was resourceful.
The start and balance of the race was very crowded. It could be the difference between starting in wave one or two. I didn't notice anybody whizzing in the underpass just after the start which was a lot in the past. I only noticed one person taking a leak on the course. The bathrooms along the way were easy in and out. I stopped at one mile fourteen; one less thing.
The large crowd made course navigation challenging, twice, as I was overtaking pace groups, we approached an aid station. Lots of people, spread out wide, slowing down, in some cases stopping, and starting again. I noticed the area around the Gatorade was very slippery. The aid stations were a couple hundred feet long and many runners dropped in early causing congestion. As planned, I skipped the Gatorade, and went to the end of the water line. There were twenty aid stations. They appeared sooner than I expected. I noticed early the water cups supplied only 1-2 ounces if water. I had planned on 2-4 ounces, this would become a fueling factor later.
The race runs through 29 different neighborhoods. I didn't take notice of many. I was really focused on the run. Making the right steps. Avoiding pot holes, manhole covers, other runners, spectators, etc. My field of vision was directly in front of me and maybe ten feet ahead. I did finally notice the "Chicago" theater sign, I think I missed that the previous three races. I remembered a 70's rock band at the right and left turns just before mile six. And they were there again. I heard one other R&B group that sounded fun. The charity zone was long. Chinatown was noticeable. Other than that it was a blur. The spectators were very loud and encouraging, I heard one Ironman (my race hat) and one 2017 Chicago Marathon (my race shirt) cheer. Other than that generic enthusiasm which makes the day easier.
I don't remember thinking about anything during the race other than mission critical race time decisions. The road ahead, navigating the aid stations, avoiding other runners and spectators. Staying in the moment and taking the next step in the current mile was the sole task. I do remember thinking it was so loud I couldn't hear myself breathe, which is a rarity.
I knew I had a faster start. And decided to go with it. My range was 3:45 plus or minus fifteen minutes. I figured fueling may be a problem. I needed about 48 ounces to process the fuel I was carrying and was only tracking for 16 to 32. Under hydrating with water I expected would create stomach problems. It is difficult to think and strategize during the run so I just had to go with it. As somewhat expected the wall and bonk occurred at mile 22. Entirely my fault. Rookie mistake or maybe lack of practice over that last four years. I miscalculated the consequences of lack of calories versus potential stomach issues. The pace significantly slowed. The heart rate was still good but the power faded. I thought about how I was not going to walk. I committed to running the entire race. That was my new goal. Many runners were walking and stretching on the side of the road, I saw one about to be assisted with a wheel chair. The pace was painfully slow but I was committed. I kept my head down and kept moving. The kilometer and mile markers appeared and I kept going. I was very relieved at the finish. And spent. I'm glad I committed to the run. 3:45 (ok I'm rounding down from 3:45:58) sounds a lot better than 3:46.
It took about an hour to move through the finishing chute, make my way to bag pick up and get to the post run gathering area. I didn't have a lot of energy left and my legs had taken a beating. I did consume two apples, two bananas, a donut, a couple small fruit bars, gummy bears and a chocolate milk (my favorite) before leaving Grant Park. Three more donuts at the train station. And a combo with fries at Flip's in Glen Ellyn followed. Cereal and mixed nuts once we got home and a very tasty root beer.
I was pretty emotional post race. I'm thinking relief that I could rise to the challenge of a difficult task. Overcoming the fear of failure. Would I prefer to negative split and finish strong? Yes, of course, but it is rewarding as well to persevere and continue under difficult circumstances. And I reached my sub-four and BQ goals.
Feeling good this morning with not more than the expected fatigue and muscle soreness. After twenty weeks of training I am feeling a bit 'what now'? I have no training and no events on the calendar. I need a new target. I was thinking a strength training routine will be helpful. Also, ski season workouts. And pickleball with Chris. Marathon running requires a significant time commitment and noticeably at the expense of other activities. My thinking today is running faster half marathons and age grading 70% plus (regional). I do enjoy the racing aspect of the half compared to the purely endurance, for me, of the full.
Half Marathons in Eugene and Boulder are on the radar for 2025. I'm researching another destination in 2024. With the move, a return to Madison races may be sufficient, Monona 20K May 04, Run Mad Town May 26, Madison Mini August 10. And the more I think about it maybe another marathon to better execute fueling.
What I would do different ...
1) Fueling that does not require lots of water or slowing or stopping to rehydrate instead of the very inefficient grab and guzzle. It does seem like a simple solution and one I could have implemented during the race, I just didn't think of it then.
2) More high intensity tempo training... I trained for a 3:45. By the time I noticed my Garmin did tell me I needed more high intensity training I was near the end of the training cycle and decided to stick with my routine.
I do recognize the contribution of other people in the process and to my success. Chris 100% support. Katelyn's courage. Amanda's engagement. Kevin's encouragement. Jeff and Doug's check-ins. Jason's hard work. Marilyn's 'eight loop' share. The random guy who would say 'looking good' and usual people on the conservancy trail who became regular and familiar wavers. Robin and Suzy's pickleball groups that provided cross training. Kerry, Beans, MK and Laura following online, it's a very powerful motivator running with the knowledge that I am being watched. Zeus' coach and counselor assessments. Jay and my other friends of Bill who help keep me centered. And those who follow up with inquiries of how I did. I am very grateful to the people, who often unknowingly, ran with me.
books I read and re-read of the elite athletes were also very helpful. Their messages were pretty consistent; believe in oneself, work hard, rest and recover, stay in the moment, have fun, be grateful. One of my favorite passages ... Does it hurt? Every step.
Marathon History
Eleven marathons, six BQs in last seven races.
Ten marathons within six years 2014-2019
Four year break April 2019 - September 2023
One marathon 2023
2023 Chicago 3:45 BQ
2019 Boston 4:18 Crash and Burn
2018 Chicago 3:34 BQ
2018 Green Bay 3:26 BQ PR
2017 Madison 3:34 BQ
2017 Chicago 3:28 BQ PR (my best race)
2016 Madison 3:37 1st BQ PR
2016 Chicago 3:40:08 miss by :08 PR
2015 Haunted Hustle 4:25 Crash and Burn. One month after Ironman.
2014 Madison 4:10 Crash and Burn. AG lead at the half. One month after Haunted Hustle.
2014 Haunted Hustle 3:40:28 miss by :28. First marathon. PR
Saturday October 7, 2023 T-1
600A Depart 600AM
10A - 1PM Expo Bib 36330
3P Hotel
8-9P Zzzz
4A Sunday Up
5A Train
615A Grant Park Wave 2 Blue Gate 5 Ida B Wells
745A Corral G closes
800A Race Start
1145A Finish
3P Flips
Chicago Oct 8
5-9A 47 Cloudy
10A 50
11A 51
12P 52
"Most runners find that 50 degrees, while ideal for performance, is a bit chilly when first heading out. Start with a base layer of short sleeves or even a tank, depending on which you prefer once you've warmed up. Then add a light-weight, long sleeved top over it."
Assorted aches ... Annoying, but doesn’t really interfere with daily living activities. Generally 1. Expect 2.
1 – Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don’t think about it.
2 – Minor pain. Annoying and may have occasional stronger twinges.
KW page notes North by Scott Jurek Summer 2023
18 i cant run fast because i dont like to hurt
103 pain is a biological fact
104 i took a few tentative steps, felt the stabbing pain … and kept going
132 my physical senses were increasingly fine tuned … pursuing hard challenges, emotions rise to the surface …becoming stronger and weaker… like the polarities of my body and mind were reversing
137 my pain was voluntary, brought on myself … to do it justice i would have to be tough, tougher.
145 there are so many things out of my control, that the few things i can control i want to master
147 train myself to let go of everything i fear to lose
154 those cold timid souls who neither know victory or defeat
165 put my cynicism aside and be … positive to the best of my ability
175 the mind of a warrior should be so attuned to the moment that thoughts and emotions do not impede proper action
175 … right decisions comes naturally … pain and fear disappear
177 a sense of mustness replaces confusion and anxiety
210 how bad do i want it
211 there is a hidden potential and strength in me begging me to find it
277 elective suffering in order to extend heightened awareness … and … a feeling of connectivity
Friday October 6, 2023 T-2
Zero and Rest day.
Progression ... Run > Walk > Stand > Sit > Lay down > Nap > Sleep.
Also: Air Relax, roll, stretch, NSAID, topicals.
'Maranoia' is a term used by runners to describe the anxiety and paranoia that can arise during the preparation for a marathon. It's a form of performance anxiety that can cause me to second-guess my training, my nutrition, and my overall preparedness for a race."
To minimize 'maranoia' I will focus on strengths not weaknesses...
- Stryd Fitness 3.88 w/kg Stryd average (3.37 w/kg)
- Stryd Fatigue Resistance 3 hours 31 minutes (1:58)
- Stryd Endurance 3 hours 31 minutes (2:08)
- Stryd Race Predictor 3:25:52 +/-4:07 min at 256 Watts
- Stryd Running Stress Balance - Performance!
- Training cycle minutes (since May 20) 58.9 minutes per day, 6.9 hours per week, 29.8 hours per month
- Training cycle miles 6.1 miles per day, 42.7 miles per week, 185.4 miles per month
- Race cycle totals 142 Days, 839 Miles or 97% of total miles from beginning of race training to race finish line.
- Garmin VO2 Max 54 / 99%tile
- Weight Gurus training weight 150 pounds <15% body fat.
It's OK !!! "Athletes who have properly carbo-loaded should gain about one to three pounds—but don’t panic! This weight gain is good; it reflects water weight and indicates you have done a good job of fueling your muscles. For every ounce of carb stored in your body, you store almost three ounces water." True dat!
Race plan
Watts 250-260
Heart Rate 150 - 160 bpm
Cadence 190 spm
Stride length 1.0 m
Pace 8:30 miles
10K 0:53
20K 1:44
13M 1:53
30K 2:35
40K 3:25
42K 3:42
Saturday Cloudy skies overnight. Low around 45F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. 3% chance of rain. Sunday Cloudy. High 56F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. 5% chance of rain.
Game time decision: Adidas singlet or Chicago Marathon short sleeve and arm sleeves, or Boston Marathon long sleeve.
Thursday October 5, 2023 T-3
Day two of three 3 miler planned and
actual. Left calf a little tweaky. Could be mental replay of marathons past. I may shut it down tomorrow and go with what I have in the bank.
Today ... R&R, Air Relax, Baseball ... I find pitch clock influenced shorter games more enjoyable. The new shift rules are also a positive contributor to the game. Review motivational
Book Page Notes particularly Let Your Mind Run by 2005 Chicago Marathon winner Deena Kastor.
26 Miles Plus, 26 Thoughts Plus One
Stryd RSB Running Stress Balance -4
-10 to 5 Maintenance.
5 to 25 Performance
Oct 8 Chicago 42 / 55 Mostly Cloudy 4%. Ideal.
Saturday overnight ... A few clouds from time to time. Low near 45F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.
Sunday morning ... Mostly cloudy. High near 55F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
RSS Tab - Logs daily run, calculates metrics, shows trends
RSS Chart - My Favorite
Weekly - Two Charts. Pace improving, stride lengthening.
Perp - Perpetuem calculator and other math.
Miles ETA - Pace chart
May 20th - October 8th
142 Days or 20 Weeks
865 Miles, 6.1 per day, 42.7 per week, 185 per month
139 Hours, 58.9 minutes per day, 6.9 hours per week, 29.8 per month
When I get to the starting line 97% of the work will have been done. Only 3% to go.
FAQ - Do I use visualization? Yes. I used two primary courses, Conservancy 5K and 10K Loops and Out & Back 6 and 10 milers, to imprint the feeling of specific distances. Depending on race day circumstances, I can break down the run with many permutations.
5K + 10 Mile + 10 Mile + 5K = 26 Miles or
5K + 10 Mile + 10K + 5K + 5K = 26 Miles or ...
When I get to the next or last 10 Miles, 10K or 5K, I know 'I do that all the time'. I'm not running miles 24, 25, 26, but a very familiar distance, one mile, kilometer, or step at a time.
Wednesday October 4, 2023 T-4
Out late last night Power of Tower less than usual sleep.
Garmin recovery 51 hours. Maintaining. Stryd Maintaining.
First of three days of milers planned.
Weekly miles dropping from an average of 45 to 23.
And then Rest!!! Run, walk, stand, sit down, lay down, rest, sleep. And CEP calf socks during the day.
Mindful eating!!! Coffee, Greek yogurt, banana ...
FAQ Do I use a watch? Yes.
Garmin 255 with a
Stryd power foot pod. I do not wear a chest strap heart rate monitor. Heart rate is measured by the watch at the wrist.
FAQ How do I use my watch? I have two data screens. Screen one has two data fields 1) power and 2) heart rate. All high and low alarms are off. I prefer not the distractions. A quick look confirms power and heart rate. I wait for flat stretches after inclines, declines, tangents, aid stations, etc. to check the data. Screen one I will use for the majority of the race. Screen two add two fields elapsed time and last lap time.
Fun fact ... the first mile takes runners under several roads and buildings throwing GPS off. A short fast mile is sure to be recorded. This will throw off all downstream distance and average pace metrics. I've accepted this and will utilize available and accurate data. I can toggle screens to check elapsed time at 10K increments, 13.1 miles, and 20 miles (10K remaining). In the event I am running close to goal time screen two will give me the data needed to make last minute adjustments.
FAQ Am I carbo loading? Yes. When well disciplined, I track caloric intake in
MyFitnessPal. Last week 50% of the calories I tracked were from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, mixed nuts and cheerios. The runner's goal is 40-60% carbs, 20-30% healthy fats, 20-25% protein. When carbo loading the amount of food consumed is stays the same with a higher percentage of carbs. The past seven days I have recorded 54% carb, 33% fat, 13% protein. Rest of week focus is pasta, rice, potatoes at the expense of non-essential or 'bad' fats, with a protein, eggs and lean meat, kicker.
FAQ Do I stretch pre and post run? When I am on top of my game, yes. Ten minutes before and after is the objective. A 5K maybe five and five. I'll be standing in the wave II corral for maybe 30 minutes in 50 degree temperature inviting continuous movement and active stretching. I don't have a set routine and use a series of yoga and Insanity poses. Cat-cow, forward fold, hip flexor lunges, triangles, wide stance squats...
Tuesday October 3, 2023 T-5
FAQ Do I listen to music? No. I prefer no additional device and app distractions to manage when focusing on the run. I saw a racer have both earbuds pop out of their ears mile two Madison Mini.
FAQ Then what do I think about? Lots of things; people and life events mostly. I try to be very aware of negative thoughts, acknowledge them, and let hem go. When I need to rebalance I take my thinking back to breathing. Positive thoughts I let continue.
FAQ Do I use breathing pattern? Yes. My run cadence is 190 steps per minute. I breathe out forcefully for two counts and breath in through the mouth and nose for two counts. This is called a
2:2 breathing rhythm. I am a loud breather. When I began running I reasoned maximizing inhalation required exhalation maximizing lung capacity, an equal and opposite action and reaction.
FAQ How do I use stride length and cadence? I expect my stride length to be 1.0 meters and cadence to be 190 steps per minute. The math...
42195 meters divided by
1.0 stride length equals
42195 steps divided by
190 steps per minute equals
222 total minutes or
3 hours 42 minutes
I don't try to increase stride length or cadence to run faster. I run harder and the metrics take care of themselves.
FAQ Do I have a fueling plan? Yes. I will carry and sip a four scoop, 540 calorie,
Perpetuem paste in an
Amphipod waist belt bottle, drink only water at the aid stations (there are twenty), consume half, 50 calorie, banana at mile 15,16,17,18 aid stations. And replace electrolytes with
Base Salt starting mile three.
Fair 2/5 night sleep. Diet discipline awareness. Minimize mental stressors.
Garmin Recovery Time 49 Hours Maintaining.
Stryd Maintaining. 3.88 w/kg 3:31 fatigue resistance and endurance.
Last Planned Z2 10K
Actual Z3 10K before the welcome three milers to finish the week and taper. Beautiful mostly sunny day 61 / 84 2% I noticed the leaves falling on the asphalt trail. Tower of Power tonight.
Going with Ghost. Lock Laces adjusted. Slight left foot
Extensor Tendinopathy Pain annoying '
but doesn’t really interfere with daily living activities or 1 – Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time I don’t think about it.
Chicago Oct 8 45 / 55 Partly Cloudy 3% Ideal
3:54 BQ 65-69 Acceptance or 8:55 230w
3:43 Age Graded 2:59 or 8:30 235w
3:40 BQ 60-64 or 8:23 240w
3:34 BQ 60-64 Acceptance or 8:09 245w
3:30 PR 8:00 250w
Pre-Race ... coffee one cup, yogurt, banana, shower, chamois butter.
Train Ride ... Asics hat, sweatshirt, joggers, gloves.
Starting Line ...
gatorade zero electrolyte water, recycle long sleeve shirt and gloves.
Race ... Ghost, CEP calf and hamstring, Desoto shorts and sleeves, Adidas singlet, shades, IM hat, recycle gloves. Amphipod waist belt and bottle, Perpetuem, Base Salt. Race number belt.
Monday October 2, 2023 T-6
Race Week. Physical Taper. Mental Preparation.
Planned Total RSS 240
Mon 60 planned and
actual 10K Conservancy O&B Easy
Tue 60
Wed 30
Thu 30
Fri 30
Sat 0
Garmin Recovery Time 50 hours and Maintaining.
Stryd RSB -8 Maintaining (-10 to 5)
Oct 8 Madison 40 / 59 Partly Cloudy 9%
Oct 8 Chicago 45 / 57 Partly Cloudy 7%
Sunday October 1, 2023
Chicago Marathon One week from today.
Garmin Recovery Time 53 hours and Maintaining.
Stryd Productive.
Taper with low, injury free 20-30 weekly miles.
Plenty of rest. Run, walk, stand, sit, lie down, sleep.
Left calf strain awareness !!! 1 – Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don’t think about it.
Planned recovery 5-10K Conservancy Loops
Actual 5K
Marathon Week Diet High carb, medium protein, low (low quality) fat. Pasta, rice, beans, eggs, yogurt, fruit, vegetables. Electrolyte water.
Madison Oct 8 44 / 62 4% Mostly Sunny
Chicago Oct 8 45 / 58 2% Mostly Sunny
Race Day Strategies
Power>150 and BPM<160
10K 54.0 minutes
20K 52.5
30K 51.0
40K 49.5
42K 16.0
223 minutes or 3 hours 43 minutes
Saturday September 30, 2023
Chicago Marathon T minus 7 days
Primary Objective Reminder - Get to the Starting Lined Rested and Injury Free
Mild post, and last pre-CM pickleball session, knee pain
Annoying, but doesn’t really interfere with daily living activities.
1 – Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don’t think about it.
2 – Minor pain. Annoying and may have occasional stronger twinges.
Madison Oct 8 39 / 57 5% Mostly Sunny
Chicago Oct 8 45 / 57 6% Sunny
Cool 45 degree morning - Adidas pants, Asics hat ... train to bag check.
Leave behind gloves and long sleeve shirt for start.
Friday September 29, 2023
Garmin recovery time 49 hours, status Maintenance, Stryd status Maintenance
9AM 57 3% Cloudy
Madison Oct 8 41 / 57 18% Partly Cloudy
Chicago Oct 8 47 / 57 11% Partly Cloudy
'For the 2024 Boston Marathon race, this year’s “cut-off” time needed to gain acceptance was 5 minutes, 29 seconds or faster than the official qualifying time'. 2025 M65 4:00 goal now 3:54 or 8:55
2025 M60 3:40 goal now 3:34 or 8:23
Thursday September 28, 2023
Garmin recovery time 47 hours
Training Status Maintaining
Stryd Maintenance -7
Today 61/69 9% Cloudy
Oct 8 Madison 47/60 13% Partly Cloudy
Oct 8 Chicago 50/59 23% Partly Cloudy
259W 141 BPM Race Pace
1 8:44 trail
2 8:19 path
3 7:56 path
4 7:56 path
5 7:50 path
6 7:49 path
7 7:53 trail
- T2=T1×(D2/D1)1.06T2=T1×(D2/D1)1.06.
- In this formula, T1 = time for the known distance, D1 = overall distance of the completed race, D2 = distance for which you want to predict the time and T2 = predicted time for D2.
- “If you’ve run a half-marathon (21.1 km) in 1:45 and you want to predict your marathon time (42.2 km), plug in the numbers: T2=105×(42.2/21.1)1.06T2=105×(42.2/21.1)1.06 and it will leave you with an estimated marathon time of approximately 3:42:30.
Wednesday September 27, 2023
Garmin recovery time 47 hours. Rain.
Overnight / morning back pain (1) knee pain (0).
0 empty
1 nearing empty
2 really hungry
3 hungry
4 slightly hungry
5 neutral
6 slightly satisfied
7 satisfied
8 full
9 nearing uncomfortable
10 stuffed
pasta, carb drinks, yogurt, banana
Oct 8 Chicago 55/70 17% Cloudy with Showers
Oct 8 Madison 55/65 41% Scattered Thunderstorms
Goals - 2023 Chicago is a 2025 Boston Qualifier
4:00 BQ 65
3:40 BQ 60
Tuesday September 26, 2023
Saw large crawfish on trail. Deer crossing. And 100's of ducks flying overhead.
Rain! thunderstorms and showers now through Wednesday afternoon.
Oct 8 Chicago 58/69 17%
Oct 8 Madison 51/71 21%
Knee (2) and Back (2) pain overnight. Annoying is descriptive. Will stretch.
0 – Pain Free
Mild Pain – Nagging, annoying, but doesn’t really interfere with daily living activities.
1 – Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don’t think about it.
2 – Minor pain. Annoying and may have occasional stronger twinges.
3 – Pain is noticeable and distracting, however, you can get used to it and adapt.
Monday September 25, 2023
Garmin Sleep score 88, HRV Balanced, Recovery Time 51 Hours
Cloudy Early Thunderstorms this afternoon. 63 at 800AM.
Planned Conservancy O&B 9 miler trail warm up, asphalt race pace, trail cool down.
Actual 10 Miles
Oct 8 Chicago 55/65 24%
Oct 8 Madison 51/64 24%
Mon Miles Pace Lbs
Sep 174 8:54 147
Aug 201 9:14 147
Jul 202 9:39 149
Jun 131 9:42 155
May 175 12:28 160
Tot 883
Sunday September 24, 2023
Planned 7 Days x 10K
Sun 24 71/60 67%
Mon 25 73/61 41%
Tue 26 69/60 78%
Sun 08 64/50 58% AM Thunderstorms
Looks like good practice to run in rain just in case ...
Fri 06 65/56 24% Partly Cloudy
Sat 07 66/56 24% Partly Cloudy
Sun 08 65/54 32% PM Showers
Mostly cloudy skies with a few showers later in the day. High around 65F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
Garmin recovery time 52 hours. "... an especially stressful day or a bad night’s sleep will extend the amount of time recommended before your next hard workout. On the other hand, good sleep, low stress and light daily activity levels can all shorten recovery time recommendations."
"To estimate a workout recovery time, you can multiply the average heart rate during the workout by the total workout time, then divide by 200."
Saturday September 23, 2023
Garmin recovery 72 hours and l
ow HRV status M
y 'body is underperforming in the face of stress'. Can be caused by over-exercise, illness or pain, psychological events. Healthy behaviors to improve ... exercise, hydration proper nutrition, quality sleep.
Need to dial in the basics T minus 15 days.
Chicago weather
Thu 05 65/54 24%
Fri 06 64/55 21%
Sat 07 64/54 20%
Friday September 22, 2023
Rain. Planned 10K (likely) & Pickleball (unlikely).
Actual 5K. Backache likely suspect patio stone lifting. Lack of pillow bad sleep.
Decided on Adidas blue running shirt for race. Less water bottle bounce and movement.
Chicago weather
Wed 04 69/56 17%
Thu 05 66/54 34%
Fri 06 65/54 12%
Thursday September 21, 2023
Garmin training status 'strained' or 'accumulated fatigue'. I agree.
Pre run recovery time 51 hours.
Post run recovery time 71 hours.
Wednesday planned and actual
15K Conservancy O&B. With the exception of Launch v Ghost, race gear and nutrition plans are set. Plan to minimize stressors race weekend from Saturday AM departure for Expo to race time.
2023 Participant Guide. Waiting for Metra race day schedule.
Official Program.
Tuesday September 19, 2023
Rain! Good day for a rest day. Sleep quality fair, not enough REM, HRV unbalanced. Recovery hours 51. Feeling tired.
I'm not one to get the runners high. I did briefly feel the 'be the run', na na na naa, and would like to pursue that state again.
Monday September 18, 2023
Birthday. Planned 10K.
Garmin Activity Report ...
Sunday September 17, 2023
Boston Standards. '
3:40 M60-64, (4:05 M65-69) is just fast enough to require the runner to make running their primary hobby (YES), hire a coach (NO), join in clinics (NO) and begin to read the volumes of literature available online (YES)'.
Saturday September 16, 2023 T-22 Days
Last planned long run Conservancy Loops and O&B
8AM 60 degrees 11AM 70
Saw one of the original Conservancy trail regulars / supporters and took ka moment to say hello and thank you. He said his last Chicago cramped up bad. And suggested "don't get hurt". Also saw Jason who was a 'work hard' inspiration.
Race Day Plan. Perpetuem multi-hour bottle and Amphipod belt. And don't forget the base salt! Launch shoes. CEP hamstring and calf sleeves and socks. No knee sleeves.
Hal Higdon FB Post ... "
The best way to increase endurance is to increase volume". RSS Spreadsheet 644 miles since June 1. With planned workouts, race day stats ... 6.5 per day, 45 per month, 800 total.
Friday September 15, 2023
Race Day Plan. Perpetuem multi-hour bottle and Amphipod belt. Ghost shoes. CEP hamstring and calf sleeves and socks.
Thursday September 14, 2023
Planned Conservancy 10K RSS 60+
Friday Conservancy 10K RSS 60
Saturday Conservancy O&B 20 Miles
Wednesday September 13, 2023
Home. Back to the routine. Chicago Marathon T-24
Much going through my mind today. From Running and Meditation ... think about what I want to think about, don't think about what I don't. And "be the run"; thinking not of breath count, stride length or pace. Being in the moment. Katelyn's courage inspires to expand my boundaries, physical and mental. All people of courage have faith.
The closest that the Bible comes to offering an exact definition is Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Processing latent grief, pushed aside for decades while righting the ship. The feeling and emotions are intense at times as I come to terms.
Monday September 11, 2023
Eight difficult days of moving. Routine, diet, training all off. Make the best of it. Three zero days followed by 3Mi, 6Mi, 9Mi. Two more days. Pre's Trail today. Elliptical or better tomorrow. Wednesday home!!!
Thursday September 7, 2023
Plan to run Pre's Trail this afternoon. 350 miles 7 hours to Eugene ETA mid afternoon. Arrange for tomorrow's Uhaul pickup.
Wednesday September 6, 2023
Tuesday planned zero day. 1,000 mile 14 hour drive from Madison to Laramie Wyoming. Another planned zero day today 700 miles 10 hours to Boise.
Monday September 4, 2023
Labor Day. Planned PB O&B Long Run 7-10AM. Amphipod waist belt / water bottle. Gels x 2. Jimmies 1-5. Pack. R&R. Oregon drive tomorrow..
Actual Conservancy O&B + 1L 21.07 Miles 70-80 degrees. Good follow up yesterday's 10 miler. Tired legs. Made the extra loop and extended run to get to year's most 21 miles. Wore Levitate. Thinking Ghost and full CEP leg sleeves will serve me well during race. Amphipod bounced around more than I care for. Hand held and switched whenever. Let good thoughts stay, noticed not as good thoughts and changed the subject. Add nail clippers to travel kit. Ouch.
Random thought post Marathon. Switch to half marathon maintenance program. And strength training.
Insanity Pictures. 2012 Pre Insanity 194 pounds BMI 29.49. 2012 Post Insanity 164 pounds BMI 24.93. 2023 Marathon Training 150 pounds BMI 22.8 Body Fat range 12.9-13.5%
Sunday September 3, 2023
Disappointing effort yesterday. Hoping for much longer run. No dice. Planned Conservancy out an back plus bonus loop(s). Leave at 7AM return at 9AM.
Got a late start did the out and back 10 Miles, 1h 25m 39s, 8:32 Pace, felt pretty good. No water, no gels, just ran. Didn't worry about breathing pattern or what did or didn't go through my head. Run only. An above average day.
Sun 10 mile YES!!!
Mon 10 mile Conservancy O&B + Bonus Lap(s). 69 degrees at 7AM.
Tue Eugene drive Zero Day
Wed Tread 5k
Thu Eugene 5k
Fri Pre's Trail 5k
Saturday September 2, 2023
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