Thursday August 31, 2023
14.5 hour 950 Mile Drive
2500 Step
Zero Day
Painful left knee overnight
Rough night sleep, mind in overdrive.
Regrets seemed to be the dream theme.
630AM Recovery Day perhaps a 5-10K later.
Thu 5-10K
Fri 10K
Sat 20-30K
Sun 10K
Mon 10K
Tue - Eugene Drive
Tuesday August 29, 2023
One more day in Louisville. House deal almost put together. Offer submitted. Waiting for counteroffer...
Even being an 'off' week effort still significant.
Stryd Last Seven Days
411 RSS - 58.2 / day
48.35 Miles - 6.85 / day
7h 02m - 60 minutes / day.
Monday August 28, 2023 Chicago Marathon T Minus 40 Days
Planned Davidson Mesa 10K Easy Mind clearing run.
Actual 10K 54m 50s 49RSS 229w 132bpm
Currently a 1 Need to use foot / ankle compression sleeve
0 – Pain Free
1 – Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don’t think about it.
2 – Minor pain. Annoying and may have occasional stronger twinges.
Garmin Recovery 40 hours. Sleep good. Pain zero.
Stressors: Wood Bros 1PM meeting, Katelyn Car check engine light, upcoming drive to Madison, trip to Eugene.
Sunday August 27, 2023
Feeling remarkably AOK.
Time 2h 55m
Avg Pace 8:42 / mi.
Marathon Pace 3h 48m
235w 142 bpm
Non Tapered, Travel, Trail, Altitude...
Start was super congested. My error hanging back.
I feel I could have gone longer had I not raced miles 12-13.
Sun 6mi recovery 3 slow 3 slow to progressive
Mon 6 mi up tempo 3 slow 3 progressive
Tue Zero Day travel
Saturday August 26, 2023
Long Run / 'Race Day'.
59 Degrees and cloudy. Perfect.
Out and back 'big' hill at mile five and eleven.
Planned 240w 140 bpm
Actual 235w 142 bpm
Followed plan very well.
1-4 Easy.
5 Hill Steady with slow, short strides.
6-10 Progessive
11 Hill ...
12-13 Up Tempo to Finish
14+ Slow
Sleep Good 7h 55m (didn't feel like it but ok)
Vo2 Max 53
Body Battery 97
Status Maintaining (is good)
Recovery Time 3h (close enough)
All systems go.
One cup of coffee, banana, yogurt.
Carry water and two E-Gels.
I'll practice walking the aid station to hydrate more efficiently.
Friday August 25, 2023
Body Battery 99
Sleep 93 score 7h 19m
Vo2 Max 53!!!
Full recovered !?! (Rare. And I will take it).
Planned 5-10K Davison Mesa
Planned 240w / 140bpm.
Game time decision... add another 6mi out and back to extend long run.
Very exciting. Arapahoe Circle, Louisville CO likely our new home.
Thursday August 24, 2023
Sleep 6h 54m - first work up at 3:40AM
Sleep Score 87 - I'm still tired.
Body Battery 95
Recovery time down to 25! (after days of 72)
Training Status, Unproductive, which doesn't mean De-Productive or De-Training. Maintaining in Stryd.
Continue to monitor recovery hours. Work towards long run readiness on our return to Madison.
Actual 5K Zero shade on trail. Opted not to push 1st day out at altitude. Can run again this evening.
Wednesday August 23, 2023
Planned Zero Day 14.5 Hour Drive to Colorado
Tuesday August 22, 2023
Planned 10-15M Conservancy Path Out and Back
Actual 12.94M Phone calls, texts and projects.
Stryd 12 Week Summary
Stress 4769 RSS / 397 per week
Distance 478.75 mi / 39.89 per week
Duration 76 hr / 6.33 per week
Wednesday Zero Day. Fourteen hour drive to Denver.
Forty Seven Days Out - 6.71 Weeks
Planning Metrics of Note ...
1 hour race at 100% 100
2 hour 1/2 Marathon at 95% 180
3 hour Marathon at 90% 224
1 hour Daily Run at 80% 49
My Critical Power (CP) = 281
Madison Mini 274W 97.5% 173RSS
90% = 253
Stryd Marathon Training Plan Peak / KW Actual-to-Date
Easy Runs 40 Minutes / 50-60
Long Run 3h0m / 2h58m
Week Volume 6h40m / 8h56m
Duration Taper
3 weeks out 6h40m
2 weeks out 4h30m
1 week of 2h00m
Weekly Averages
Stress 246 RSS
July 30 380
Aug 6 389
Aug 13 386
Aug 20 391
Distance 31.56
July 30 36.46
Aug 6 53.06
Aug 13 38.51
Aug 20 55.39
Duration 4h52m
July 30 5h51m
Aug 6 8h28m
Aug 13 5h28m
Aug 20 8h56m
Monday August 21, 2023
Five more long run opportunities.
Thinking to use the PB paved trail to avoid circular off ramp option.
Conservancy Loops plus Out and Back.
August 27 12M < Actual 20 Miles Louisville Trail Run / Race
September 3 15M 2
September 10 18M
September 17 21M
September 24 12M
Sunday August 20, 2023
Chris' toe injury may curtail pickleball which represents a mile of steps per hour, usually ranging from two to three. Stryd weekly miles 45, Garmin 55.
No calf pain indicating full stop training injury. Remain aware. CEP compression socks arrived. Will test next run.
Planned 5-10K 5-10K recovery run based on feel. The goal is to set myself up for a long run. Then cross train Eugene pack and consolidate .
Actual 10M / 15K was using mantra 'a pace run, all day' but ran out of mental energy.
Garmin Unproductive. Stryd Maintenance. 55 mile week.
Monday 5-10K pack containers.
Tuesday 5-10K ship containers
Wednesday zero day drive to Denver
Thursday 5-10K
Saturday August 19, 2023
Actual 15K 206W 124BPM. Just didn't have it. Need to work more rest & relaxation in to the routine. Pushing too hard in anticipation of the Denver and Eugene low mileage and and effort travel days.
E-Gel semi-fail with a good portion of the contents of one of the packets ending up in the pocket and hamstring sleeve.
Friday August 18, 2023
Managed Grade I calf strain: Mild discomfort, often minimal disability. Usually minimal or no limits to activity.
Planned 7AM 10-20K Easy Base Miles
Actual 10K Easy Base Miles
Thursday August 17, 2023 T-52 Days
Slow Conservancy 10K. Pain remains Grade 1.5 Continue to use extreme caution. Base mile training. I need to find more RSS without injury.
Grade I calf strain: Mild discomfort, often minimal disability. Usually minimal or no limits to activity.
Grade II calf strain: Moderate discomfort...
Thursday PB, 10K
Friday PB, 10K
Saturday No PB, 15K-25K or
Sunday No PB 15K-25K
Mental health strain; UHaul, Denver, Eugene, Chicago.
Wednesday August 16, 2023
Lots going on Katelyn moving to Eugene Oregon (three day drive). Road trip to Denver (two fourteen hour drives).
Grade I or II left calf strain. Very similar to Boston injury. Danger Will Robinson Danger.
Grade I calf strain: Mild discomfort, often minimal disability. Usually minimal or no limits to activity.
Grade II calf strain: Moderate discomfort with loss of strength and range of motion (ROM). Limited ability to perform activities such as running and jumping. May have swelling and bruising.
Grade III calf strain: Severe injury with severe pain and inability to walk. Common complaints of muscle spasms, swelling, and significant bruising. The muscle may be misshapen.
I'll need to be very careful and strategic moving forward with significant injury and unplanned downtime.
Tuesday August 15, 2023